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pikkc {pixie}™️

how to? center.

your Google Account

See your account picture once you log in pikkc {pixie} app is works only once you Hop in to your connected Google Drive account.

Google Account Picture.
Gallery Mode on pikkc {pixie} app

Gallery Mode

Turn the Camera OFF & Use the pikkC {pixie} Lazy Button to drop all the photo's from your device to Google Drive.
Quick : Easy : Fast : Bulk

Lazy Button

It's inconvenient & tricky to have the 'Click' Button at one place all the time,
in pikkC {pixie} app for the first time ever you can move your camera button around the whole camera screen and be at max thumb comfort.
Your Google Account picture is the Button.

pikkc {pixie} app Lazy Button. World's most Comfortable Camera app.
Credit Card Security on pikkc {pixie} app

Top Security

When you log in to your Google Drive and use it click new pictures or connect your phone to upload them online. It is Important and very necessary to make sure its safe and secure for you.
We have Cross account protection on the software that connect your phone and drive : pikkc {pixie}
Usually Credit Cards use this measure. Keeping your Google account and Phone Safe!  

X Connect

Connect your X account to pikkc {pixie}
We are working on a bunch of features.
Upload an old photo and caption a tweet.
Click a new photo and caption a tweet instantly.

connect your by Elon Muskaccount to easily
X account trouble shoot

Connect X account

One you use your log in credentials pikkc {pixie} will make a X Mode Folder on your Google Drive only once you authorise it here.

X Mode

If you see this page you will have to RE-Authorise your X Account. 

X by Elon Musk account error
pikkc {pixie} Help

Help Section

We believe a conversation is better than a bunch of FAQ's so connect with us to have a conversation on the platform you prefer.

Please please shoot a post on any social media with a tag @pikk_co/ we promise to reply to it with the resolution YOU need. 

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pikkC {पिक्सी}

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P i kk . द्वारा एक उत्पाद

कानूनी नाम: मिस्टिक क्वांटम प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, महाराष्ट्र इंडिया

            : मिस्टिक क्वांटम कॉर्प, टेक्सास यूएसए


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